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tv   News Ch8 Today at 430AM  NBC  August 5, 2016 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure. so a positive new development in the fight against the search for the driver this morning. -- against the search the zika virus this morning, possible vaccine. more on how crews are stepping up their efforts to fight zika just ahead. >> another case of road rage on bay area roads and it involves motorcyclists. coming up, what led to a man being shot in this latest incident. >> and george zimmerman back in the headlines again this morning. reportedly he was punched in the face. what happened and we'll let you listen in on the 911 call when zimmerman called for help. good morning and welcome to news channel 8 today. i'm gayle guyardo. >> i'm gene ramirez. thank you for join ing ing us.
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morning, bay area pastors taking astive shooter classes preparing in case of a danger situation. just ahead, the pastors explain why they feel such classes are paramount for them nowadays. right now let's check in with leigh. >> it's much drier than yesterday morning. we are starting to see the offshore showers develop that i believe will push on shore. not too bad outside. 75 and brooksville, auburndale 78, 78 in sarasota, 77 in plant city. these downpours will develop. they will come in off the gulf of mexico and continue to push into our inland areas. that's going to help keep temperatures down. after a hot july 88 degrees is going to feel nice. at 4:38 i have an 8-day temperature trend to let you know if we stay below
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meredith is in the -- this morning for leslee. 2375 -- 275 at tia a small accident. hillsborough is closed at the veterans for over night road work. that should be out of your way by 5:00, 5:30. i'm going to check out my traffic cameras and see if there's an accident there at 275 at fowler. right now the florida highway patrol is not reporting any roadblocks and i'm not seeing any delays. >> thank you, meredith. an 8 on your side health alert as zika spreads in florida. there's finally some good news about possible vaccines. now one is headed to clinical trials. lindsey mastis the live from the health department this morning. how long will it be before the vaccine is available? >> reporter: gayle, assuming
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start doing human clinical trials by october. there are some other vaccines that are further along but those results are not supposed to be out until december. long story short we're not going to see a vaccine any time soon. that's why the florida health department is monitoring zika very carefully right now. >> just to be very clear zika is unprecedented. we never before had a mosquito-born disease to cause a health effect. >> reporter: miami planes are dumping insecticide. they will continue to do for several more weeks. they believe the area where zika is spreading is smaller than original thought, just 500 square feet. it's in the winwood neighborhood. pregnant women are being urged
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health departments are offering prevention kits to pregnant women in. -- pregnant women. in pinellas county they are going to start testing pregnant women for zika. pinellas, manatee are all included in the governor's case for emergency. >> exciting to hear though that they're making so much progress on this. another road rage incident in the bay area leaves a man in the hospital with a gunshot wound and another in jail. tampa police tell us a motorcyclist was shot in the back after he got into an argument with another driver. news channel 8 ryan hughes is live at the jail where that suspect is being held. ryan, good morning. the shooter took off but was eventually caught. >> reporter: gene good morning
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ezekiel henson took off from the scene but was found a short time later. now he's locked up in jail. this is video of the scene of the crime. a tampa police spokesman said it began at tampa avenue. as rodriguez was walking back to his motorcycle cops claim henson shot rodriguez in the back. he was taken to saint joseph hospital where he was athleted for non-- treated non-life threatening injuries. back in may robert vance was arrested after he drove his car over a motorcycle in lutz as seen in this video. it knocked two people off the bike. he now faces attempted murder charges. they was the scene the month before. a driver got in a dispute with some riders on the courtney campbell causeway, punches were thrown and a gun was drawn.
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charges. he's expected to appear before a judge tomorrow morning. a scary situation. >> thank you, ryan. a former teacher at a central florida day care is facing charges after two toddlers under her care wandered off towards a busy highway. the two little girls managed to sneak out of the playground in volusia county and walked to a nearly convenience store. that's two and a half football fields away. the owner oh the day care said she's very upset. >> that's my business. that's my baby. i've been doing this for so many years. that's the first time it happened. >> the teacher has been fired. she's charged with criminal dme neglect. dcf reports there's been no major violations at the center since it opened. manatee counties conducted active shooting
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pastor erik reefs believes he has a duty to protect his congregation. >> the world is changing. the world is bad. things can happen. >> deputies believe pastors should talk with members who carry guns to worship under concealed carry laws to ensure they will not injury an innocent persona a dark situation. just one more vote and the effort to run a ferry between tampa and st. petersburg will be ready to cast off. city leaders in tampa and st. petersburg during their council meeting. hillsborough county commissioners also passed a vote. the 6-month pilot program will roll out in november. city leaders plan to make several trips between the two cities during rush hours. the final vote is tuesday. st. petersburg council members approved some funding for the pier approach president obama jekt. -- project. there's several options around bay shore drive
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pedestrian water front and a possible amphitheater for events. public input will be allowed during three sessions in suspect. happening today, former governor crist will hold a round stable at the gulfport public library at 11:00 this morning. it's 4:38 on this friday morning. >> we are drier than this time yesterday but i expect the rain chance to go up. most of us are dry. there's some showers just offshore. what i think will happen, look at the rainfall potential is for the showers the push closer to the coastline. before lunchtime we can see these pockets of rain along the coast. it's about 5:00, the showers start to push east of i-75 and finally make it into
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higher rain chance today at 50% but lower temperatures. we start in turp 70s, climb into the mid 80s by noon and then an afternoon high of 88 degrees. below the average of 90. we stay below the average of 90 thanks to the high every rain chances. -- higher rain chances. now let's check in with meredith in for leslee in traffic on the 8s. >> an accident on the sellman expressway, the lower level eastbound hadding towards the brandon area near exit 10. fhp is reporting some roadblock. you can use 60 right now as an alternate route. i'm going to keep an eye on this one for you. most folks are heading westbound in the morning and using that upper deck. we have a crash reported on fowler near 56th street in the usf area.
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now we're seeing that on fowler. road construction northbound 275 at the exit to memorial/kennedy. the portion of the exit that goes up to tia that's currently blocked. you are going to be rerouted. not a significant detour for you. maybe a minute or so. we'll keep you posted on all of these things. for now gene and gayle back to you. >> meredith, thanks. it's 4:40. now side health warning. a no swim advisory is in effect at venice fishing beach. they discovered higher than normal levels of bacteria there. signs are posted. new results will determine whether swimming is allowed again. today tampa firefighters will honor their brothers and
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will host an appreciation lunch for police officers. >> it's great to see that. a group of citizens will also present a huge parade of cars to police. >> so nice. >> thank you to all the men and women in blue keeping us safe. >> it's great for the community tampa bay comicon is spon us. upon us. -- is upon us. >> university of texas professors don't want guns on their campus. what they want and what the attorney general thinks. >> first george zimmerman punched square in the face. what led up to it and the 911 call he made for help just ahead. >> it's 4:41 rand
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but we'd rather talk about what's not in it. like no artificial colors or preservative ingredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging?
4:43 am
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george zimmerman is waking up a little sore this morning after he was punched in the case at a restaurant in sanford. zimmerman claims he was talking to a group of people about shooting trayvon martin in self-defense . now according to the police report a large white man approached him
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then he came back and punched him in the face. that's when zimmerman called 911. >> what's going on? >> this man just punched me in the face. >> is he still there? >> yeah and he said he's going to kill me. >> what started the argument? >> he recognized me. >> well, zimmerman shot and killed tawadros ed -- killed trayvon martin in 2012 and found not gy new information this morning we know now the american woman who was kill in the stabbing attack in london has ties to florida. florida governor rick scott identified the woman as daralene horton. she was in london with her husband when the attack occurred. another american citizen was among the injured. it's 4:45. news across america this morning. a federal
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lawsuit over texas controversy sal -- controversial carry law. right now legally licensed people can carry weapons into the university of texas. >> they could not come one the description of what's going to be the disically mary -- disciplinary questions if i declare any classroom gun free. >> ken paxton called the lawsuits frivolous. the attorney general said it's obligated to follow the law. check out what was spotted crawling around the parking lot in miami last night. looking for a car maybe. a security guard called 911 after shouting t -- spotting this 8 foot gator.
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it will be relocated to the florida everglades. the florida department of health in pinellas county is offering free dental screenings this morning between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. these screenings are for new patients ages 4 through 18. they are first come first serve at four department of health locations in clearwater on myrtle avenue, mid county on ulmerton road, pinellas 76th and st. petersburg on mlk. calling all comic june ki -- junkies. you can go to the comicon. 17 days later nearly 100 high school students are back in tampa. they want on
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trip through europe with hope with -- with pope francis and around. they got to stay with host families. >> some learning on their summer break. >> to be i believe to see it and experience is incredible. >> a lot of stories to tell. it's 4:48. let's get a check on the weather with leigh. >> for the most part it's a dry start to the day. i can't next couple of hours. showers gearing up off the sarasota and manatee coastline that make their way over time closer to shore. that's why said in my forecast that the showers are going to push on shore between now and 7:00 or 8:00. 78 degrees at 8:00. now as the day progresses those showers will start near the coast and push further inland.
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downpours. right now 73 in zephyrhills. there's showers in the gulf of mexico now that will get pushed on shore around 9:30. could see some before that. i wanted to see the general motion of these. just after 2:00 p.m. a few showers are making their way east of 75. and it takes until the evening before they make understand. -- county. highs in the upper 80s on saturday and sunday. meredith is in for leslee. how is traffic on the 8s? >> i'm keeping my eye on construction at the exit to kennedy and memorial. 275 itself is fine. you're going to be rerouted towards tia on that exit. exit the kennedy, do a u
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not a big deal. i almost dropped my clicker. did you see that? lightning fast hands. eastbound on the sellman expressway on the upper deck. the lower deck is final so not a problem in that area. gene and gayle back to you. >> thank you so much, meredith. the u.s. women's oh lympic gymnastic team will begin their quest for gold on sunday. the >> how sam sang sung is giving you first person coverage.
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4:53 am
a ba ba ba ? we are back on the road to rio. this morning the games are already underway and for those wants a first-hand experience you can start in your own home. for the first time ever fans are watch the olympics through virtual reality. this is neat. everything will samsung can't wait to share it with you. >> i think virtual reality allows you to teleport yourself. >> the samsung head set is affordable just $100.
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tomorrow. michael phelps and ryan lochte should grab most of the headlines but there's swimmers poised to make a name for themselves. the gymnastics team is getting some practice in. they perform their routines for fans. podium training is meant to give the gymnasts a feel for the equipment they will be using. simone biles cannot believe she's is there. >> it's very unreal. me and lori in the room said we're waiting for someone else to wake us up and pinch us. we're so excited to represent. >> so adorable and talented. you can watch the women compete beginning on sunday. coming up, what you can
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performance tonight at the olympics. >> a carport roof crashed on a, whoer. -- on a worker. special tools used to set him free. >> first weather and traffic on the 8s coming up in just 3 minutes. ok, so here are two cans of vegetables... this one i paid for, this one was free. because they're bogo maybe this one was free. either way... that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you?
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4:58. time for weather and traffic on the 8s. it's 80 degrees right now and we're actually only going to warm up to around 88 thanks the higher rain chances. 50% rain chance will help keep those temperatures down. same thing through the weekend, 50% rain chance. 87 with that 50% rain chance on sunday. meredith how about the traffic? >> an update the construction has cleared northbound 275 tampa into the howard frankland bridge. we had some blockage on the way to kennedy and tampa international.
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no problems there. upper deck of the sellman express eastbound towards brandon a wreck. the lower level looks fine.
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a road rage shooting in tampa. this morning one driver is under arrest while a motorcyclist is recovering after he was shot. >> tax free back to school shopping begins today. tax free and which ones aren't. >> all eyes on rio for the opening ceremonies. we are live with what you can expect to see tonight as crews put the finishing touching on the stadium. welcome to news channel 8 today. i'm gene ramirez. >> i'm gayle guyardo . we finally made it to the weekend. leigh spann is here with you wake up -- with your wake up forecast. >> good morning. it's drier than this time yesterday. i can't promise that's going


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